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Welcome back!


After a wonderfully warm, long summer holiday we returned in September to commence a new academic year with so much to look forward to over the coming months.

Our Graduation Ceremony at the end of last term was an opportunity to celebrate the older children's time with us and share some of ’their best bits’ with a photo montage and share our favourite songs as well as presenting the children with a certificate and medal. Thank you to all the parents and carers who shared this special ceremony with us, we will be thinking of the children we said goodbye to at the end of the Summer Term and hope they are happy and settled well into their new schools.

We are very fortunate to begin our very busy Autumn Term with 24 children returning and 5 new children starting with us, all having siblings who previously attended. We felt privileged to be welcoming back familiar families, some who are now attending with their fourth child at Stepping Stones.

Throughout the year. we are delighted to continue offering Wholesome Hedgehogs yoga, which entails an interactive story session with accompanying movement. When children learn techniques for self-health and relaxation at an early age it encourages self-esteem and body awareness and enhances their flexibility, strength and coordination as well as their calmness and relaxation.

Additional groups that always prove popular are French on a Wednesday and Cool sports on a Thursday. The children always enjoy being involved in all the different activities and meeting the visiting staff. Once again we look forward to our Claverdon Church visits and welcoming our regular visitors, Noah’s Story Box and mobile library.

The children were so excited to see their friends and share their adventures from the summer holidays, travelling on aeroplanes, boats, trains and buses. From sea creatures and cicadas, to grasshoppers and goats, their stories were numerous and humorous and enjoyed by all as we listened through group times, ‘show and tells’ and WOW moments, all perfect timing to support our curriculum planning for this term ‘ All about Me’ and ‘Summer Holidays.’

As we get to know the children better, our planning this term will become directed by their interests and our activities will help to support the children in every area. We will build on these adventures creating role play opportunities, crafts, construction, songs, stories, outdoor play which reflects their experiences and takes learning forwards.


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