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We're glad to be back!


Roaring and snapping, stomping and jumping. Lots of excited happy children welcomed back after the half term break to fun and games with the dinosaurs inside and out. Lava was erupting from the volcano and dinosaurs were leaving their mark all over the place. Footprints in the play dough, eating all the doll's lunch in home corner and a spot of reading by the library. Pumpkins were found and enthusiastically carried, lifted and cuddled, then treated to faces, carefully drawn out by the children.

The children were particularly fascinated by the story of Diwali, excitedly recognising the fireworks and enjoying making Diva lamps. Sensory play with rice prompted lots of discussion about rain and the sound it makes. We then got to experience it for ourselves out in the garden as a sudden downpour livened up our play, it became very wet, very quickly. With laughter and giggles, we enjoyed the rain fall, listening to the rain on the playhouse roof and watch it collect in puddles on the ground, warm and dry in our waterproofs and wellies. Then came the thunder and we listened safely under cover as we removed our wellies to the rumbles in the air before retreating into the hall.

Our focus this week for people who help us was on the Fire Service. It was fortunate the Fire fighters and engine toys were all in service as they were incredibly busy extinguishing fires and helping dolls down from the doll’s house roof. With a little assistance from Spiderman, everyone was rescued, and the fire engine returned to the station. They will return next week as we share our experiences of Guy Fawkes night and fireworks.

On Wednesday we had a special visit from Superstar Sport. A one-off sports session organised and paid for by the Early Years Sports Fund. This was particularly great for those who do not have the opportunity to participate in Cool Sportz on a Thursday, enabling children to experience a sports coaching session. Lots of movement and ball handling was practiced with Coach Lauren which the children thoroughly enjoyed. We then followed up by a balance and throwing circuit inside in the afternoon. It was a joy to see the accuracy improve, the throwing distance extend, and the utter determination shown by all to get their bean bag in the basket on their first attempt. Neil from Cool Sportz was back in on Thursday and the tennis rackets and balls came out. Making full use of the hall, it was an opportunity to practice hand eye co-ordination; and the children did themselves proud, following carefully and trying their best to keep the ball balanced or under control as they moved round the hall.

We ended the week with one of our special listening games, an opportunity for the children to build a 'train'. As the engine driver moves round the hall, a passenger is collected and added to the walking train every time the train whistle is heard. After a few practices, the children became adept at hearing the whistle, the train weaving round the hall, in and around the furniture. The children taking it in turns to become the engine driver.


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