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That's a Wrap!


What another fantastic year here at Stepping Stones. This year has flown by in the blink of an eye, packed full of so much Love, Laughter and Learning.

We would firstly like to thank all our wonderful children.  Looking back to when they first joined us to now to see how much they have grown is incredible.

We have 7 children graduating and leaving us this July ready to embark on their onwards journey to various primary schools in the area.  We will miss them and their families all so much however we know they are now ready to move on to their next chapters. We want to thank all of you for trusting us with your precious children and for all your support.

For the children remaining with us we look forward to welcoming you and your families back in September refreshed and ready for lots more fun and learning.

Thank you to many parents who have given their time to read to the children, share their stories regarding different cultures, religions, festivals and celebrations.

We are also very excited to be welcoming new families to us from September onwards with several new children joining us. Elizabeth, Raffie, Darla, Colby and Isola. There will be an opportunity for all parents to meet each other and chat along with the staff at our next coffee morningwe hope to see as many of you there as possible.

We also want to thank Neil and Millie from Coolsports, Kate from La Jolie Ronde, Bea from Wholesome Hedgehog Yoga and Gill and he

r team from Noah’s story box for bringing such wonderful experiences for the children, we really are lucky to have you all as part of the team.

Thank you to our committee, who support the staff team have who been invaluable support to us this year.  We really appreciate you volunteering your time to support us.

Thank you to the Church Centre for the continued use of the spacious facilities we are lucky to have here at stepping Stones.

Thank you is from the staff team here at Stepping Stones to all of you.  Thank you for all your support over this last academic year. We feel very privileged to be part of your child's first educational experience and love watching them thrive and grow. Thank you to those of you who have returned your questionnaires, there are some lovely comments and great suggestions for the future.

Finally, thank you for the kind end of term cards and gifts, we have received beautiful flowers, candles, choccies, plants, biscuits and very generous vouchers! they are all gratefully received.

For those returning to us in September will look forward to seeing you on Monday2nd September 2024.

Wishing you all a super Summer break!

Lots of Love

Stepping Stones


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