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Plants, pizzas and lots and lots of play!

Making pizzas, planting sunflowers, and serving ice cream. Just some of the ways the children have been immersed in maths play both inside and out here at Stepping Stones. 'Can you fill it halfway?' 'How tall will it grow?' 'Look at all the leaves' 'it's going to grow bigger than me!' '3 scoops of chocolate ice cream please!' 'Oh no, there isn't any more'. Counting, sorting, grouping, and measuring.

A kind donation by our committee chair, Katie, has provided us with many sunflower seedlings. We looked at the seeds last week and planted them in our garden. Everyone has been involved this week in potting on the donated seedlings, filling over 50 pots with rapidly growing young green plants which the children are now carefully nurturing with frequent watering, lots of attention and plenty of discussion. Every day the stems have grown taller to the delight of the children, armed with watering cans and rulers. The children amazed at how quickly sunflowers grow and how tall they have reached already; the full height chart already being used in the garden to measure stems and children alike!

Elsewhere the wildflowers have also begun blooming. Different colours have been sought out, the chives a perfect purple, the children intrigued by the spherical shape of the flowers. Miniature greenhouses have been crafted by the children too, stocked with a growing broad bean to take home and enjoy over half term continuing our exploration of lifecycles.

Meanwhile the children have also taken full advantage of the travel agents. Holidays booked, suitcases packed, and aeroplanes boarded. The children enjoying choosing and packing clothes and food for their journey. The map studied and travel books have been diligently read, destinations chosen and friends have set off on their adventures. It's been an opportunity to write postcards and work on the laptop. Cameras ready, we've posed for photos as the children have gone on their sightseeing adventures. It's prompted lots of conversation about plans for the half term, flights they have been on before and holidays enjoyed with family and friends.

The children's coffee shop and café has also opened for business. Fruit cut, sandwiches made, and drinks served. Lots of opportunities for creative play with friends and dolls, encouraging speech and vocabulary development as salads are created and fruit cut into pieces. Turn taking as they share the tills and serve their friends, excitement as money changes hands and pretend drinks drunk.

Phonics fun has been focusing on rhyming words. Supported by books and games, the children have been identifying objects that have the same sounds and finishing the missing word during songs. Name writing has been a popular activity too. Using lots of different media, letter formation, recognition and ordering have been practiced. With the support of adult led activities, the children have been very proud in their accomplishments, eagerly sharing them at group time with their friends.

After half term, we are looking forward to lots more fun and adventures as we go under the sea and find out more about marine and beach life; explore and experience transitions in readiness for school; and last but not least, get physical! Learning about our body, the effect of exercise and rest, how we need to look after ourselves; and of course, experience lots of different ways we move through sports and small muscle activities. We look forward to seeing you all after half term.

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