Creativity and engineering, construction and collaboration. An amazing week as the children worked together to design and build their own robot out of junk modelling. Inspiration was in abundance as they chose the materials they wanted, decided if it was to have hair- "no, robots don't have hair" and even gave it a tin foil hat. Our new robot named by the children, Tag, then enjoyed playing with the children before he jetted off to space.
Continuing their love and excitement for discovering the world around them, they created their own space backdrop, with images they had sourced, printed and then cut out, planets and aliens they had made and then enjoyed flying the space shuttles to and fro between the planets.
Technology discovery then came down to Earth, as the children set up their own home working station. Head set on, mobile to the ear and fingers on the keyboard, significant work was accomplished by all. Play then extended to becoming teachers as they children ran their own French lesson, sadly we are missing Kate this week for our La Jolie Ronde session, but the children stepped in and we were quickly replying 'ici' to their register, counting up to five and completing several renditions of head, shoulders, knees and toes.
The globe and atlas were a source of great fascination this week too, polar bears were found, "it's icy, look!", we counted all of the ships and boats in the sea and even found the launch site for the real space shuttle. We found our island and had great discussion about where we all live, looking at the shapes of the countries, and the spin of the world as it went round.
We ended the week with a wonderful treat, a visit from a Dentist who told us all about our teeth and how to look after them. After we looked at each other's, tried to count them all, we earnt our Teeth Brushing badges. Thank you, Jenny, for such a lovely session, we all enjoyed it immensely.