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Castles and Curiosity

The Summer term has begun with a host of celebration, we’ve welcomed new children and continued our action-packed adventures, laughing with our friends and so much learning. St George’s day an opportunity to turn the clock back and gallop into our past of knights, castles and even a few dragons. Castles have been designed, walls built, and fortresses invaded. We’ve been galloping on our horses in the garden, enjoyed re-reading one of our favourite stories about Zog and learning about our Royal family. Preparations for Coronation celebrations are well underway. Our display board is currently being updated again by the children, keen to share their love of buses, guards, and all things royal.

The sun has come out and we've enjoyed giving the garden a well-deserved tidy, seed potatoes planted, weeds identified, holes dug, and plants watered. The daffodils are still in full bloom and the children have taken great delight in finding their daffodil, admiring their height and bright bloom. The sensory border has sprung into life, and we have all enjoyed the scent of the herbs and the touch of the fern's fronds uncurling. The wind added extra fun to our bubble play, the children thought the blossom fell like snow.

Inside there's been lots of focus on building and babies. Everyone was keen to get involved caring for the baby dolls in home corner. Stories were read, then babies fed, bathed, and put to bed. The children showing wonderful care, working together to look after their wards who accompanied the children round becoming part of the day-to-day activities. Buildings have been drawn, painted, constructed, and explored. Counting bears had new homes made from magna-tiles, the frog puppets enjoyed cosying up within an eclectic build of Lego, wooden unit blocks and playdough; and the babies relaxed in cosy beds of blankets and boxes.

Vivaldi’s Spring music received an enthusiastic reception from the children as it arrived without announcement during their play. Whispers were shared, someone started dancing, soon another was wiggling, a little parade of marching; and quickly the children were all moving. No direction, free to express themselves.

We also fitted in time to check on the frog spawn, now newly hatched tadpoles, enjoying their home within the pond weed. The children fascinated by their movement, differing sizes, and the endless discussion about whether they really liked eating pond weed and how yucky the water was. Excitement for frog watch shows no sign of diminishing, their curiosity and wonder about the natural world a privilege to experience.

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