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And that's a wrap!


This month has been a whirlwind of activity as we draw to a close on this academic year. Eggs and spoons have been united, uniform buttons accomplished, smiling teachers received, transition meetings completed, the excitement has been contagious. We have joyfully reviewed and celebrated our preschoolers' achievements, every child's journey unique and a privilege to share. It might have been the end of an era for some children and their families, but we still had our usual action-packed days enabled by the weather and our children's love of learning and curiosity.

We've also welcomed new children and their families to begin their journey with us, excited at the prospect of the fun to come.

The dinosaurs made a welcome return down in our woodland garden, tracks were built, homes constructed and gradually the dinosaurs made their way all around the garden. The diggers were called in and plenty of excavation undertaken to try and find fossils and bones that had been left behind. New fossils were made in air dry clay as the skeletons were explored and compared. And where there are dinosaurs, there are teeth. After investigating the dino teeth, the children enjoyed brushing some very large teeth found in our pop-up medical centre. The digging continued down in the sandpit, shrieks as a little pterodactyl skeleton was found, encouraging more excavation and discovery. Sandcastles and roadways were made; and friendships developed as some of our new starters found activities to share.

Another of this month's activities, sports day, has been part of childhood experience for decades and this year it offered us all an opportunity to observe and recognise the journey our children have made. Each team of children followed the instructions with care and participated with such enthusiasm and joy. Our older children helping the younger ones; and everyone having lots of fun. Under the guidance of Neil and Millie from Cool Sportz, the children enjoyed running, egg and spoon, colour collection and relay races, as well as an enthusiastic bean bag throw. Cheered on by parents and carers, the enjoyment was clear to see on everyone's faces. Running, finding, jumping, balancing, laughing, every child found their moment, recognised and rewarded. Proud does not do justice to the incredible efforts and achievements made by every child, who relentlessly tried their hardest, cheered their loudest and recognised their friend's efforts. Every physical activity we do, day in day out, whether music and movement, yoga, cool sportz, obstacle courses, tail balls, basketball, the list goes on, has given our children the opportunity to develop a solid foundation not just in moving and handling but across every area of the Early Years Foundation stage; and let's not forget, enjoy an incredible sports day experience that we all treasure.

We wish all our children who are leaving us to go to school a happy and safe transition to their new setting; and look forward to welcoming back our younger children in September, ready for a new action-packed term.


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